If it wasn't sad, it would be funny. Actually, my wonky attempt at a dollhouse is funny! I started building this dollhouse more than twenty years ago. At the time, I didn't have any skills, tools, or a proper space to work.
The dollhouse was delivered in instalments every week. It came with beautiful pictures and lots of promises like 'In any corner of the house, without the need of a workshop or special equipment...' and '...without the need for plans: a simple click, a spot of glue and it's done.'
In reality, the plywood panels arrived warped because they had been shrink wrapped and sent in the post. None of the pieces 'clicked'. A spot of glue was never going to hold the house together.
After months of trying, I gave up in disgust. With a big dent in my pocket and my ego, I dismantled the house and packed it away in boxes. Those boxes have been moving from one home to the next with me for the last twenty years.
Lately, I've been thinking about giving it another go. I now do have the perfect spot to put a dollhouse, a workshop with tools, and hopefully, a few more skills than I did back then. Yesterday I dragged the boxes from the store room, unpacked it, and taped the house together to make sure that all the pieces are still there.
My thoughts while I worked:
Problems that were insurmountable back then, are no problem now. Assembling the house will be like building a puzzle for three-year-olds. Wow, I've learnt some things!
My taste has changed. What was I thinking with that pink mottled paint in the bathroom??? Yuck!
The house comes with all its furniture in kit form. It's very basic and not the nicest stuff around. Is it worth the bother?
The answer is a resounding YES.
- Because I can.
- Rummaging through the boxes, I still feel the same overwhelming enthusiasm for the house I had years ago.
- It will be relaxing. There are hardly any decisions to make. Every room comes with a plan and its furniture. Like paint by numbers.
- It's not going to cost anything. I have all the supplies I need to finish the house.
- It would make a stunning photography prop.
- I started the house before there was internet. Now I can go online and search out other people's houses and gather inspiration. Working on the dollhouse will give me a sense of community.
- It's a carrot.