Thursday, December 31, 2020

So Long, 2020

Not many people had a good 2020. For us, it was a year dogged by misfortune and adversity, so much so  that I've misplaced my sense of humour and my writing voice. Just about the only thing left hanging by a thread is hope. 

For all of us I wish that in the New Year circumstances take a turn for the better.


  1. Hi Megan. It has been a rough and strange year, and I hope 2021 is gentler on us all. Take care.

  2. Que la salud, la ilusión y la esperanza se mantengan vivas en el nuevo año!
    Feliz Año Nuevo!!

  3. It's very easy to say goodbye and good riddance to the cursed 2020.
    With the vaccine already in action, there's hope for a brighter future.
    Have patience, stay calm and safe and pray for normality is my motive.
    A Happy New Year to you and your beloveds!
    Hugs, Drora

  4. I'm sorry to hear 2020 was personally a very bad year for you - and of course it was a curse to all of us. 2021 won't need much effort to be better - so let's hope it will do a good job. Happy New Year to you and yours - with best wishes that it may be a good one, a healthy one and a creative one.


  5. A belated Happy New Year. Still in lock down and trying to keep positive and busy :)

  6. Con un abrazo y esperemos que el 2021 sea mucho mejor que el 2020, aunque no ha comenzado muy bien. Cuídate.Besos
