Monday, June 18, 2012

The start of a week

And so it goes.  The start of a new week and it seems that all the fun is over.  T's visit was much too short, but we crammed in an incredible amount of jaw-wagging, sitting on the floor reading books, and activities that involve needles, crochet hooks and scissors.  We also ate and slept, of course.
Here are T's early morning impressions of Irish Cottage, where she was staying.

And a leisurely breakfast in Cape Cottage.
This week I am working on three things.  One involves an umbrella, another uses a tomato paste tin, and the third is a project that I abandoned last year.
No, it's not a skirt.  This was meant to be a dungaree but I battled with it so, I gave up.  I think sometimes I try to re-invent the wheel.  I could have found a pattern a long time ago to help me figure it out.  Today I am going to do just that.  The little bear is Schnozzel from CAZ bears.  I am busy updating and rewriting the pattern instructions.  It will be available as a kit and pattern again soon.  I will let you know how it all comes together.

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