Friday, September 7, 2012

500 Bears to Comfort Children in Distress

Yesterday Frikkie Gous from LifeMed took delivery of approximately 500 teddy bears that we collected for Bearathon 2012.
Left to right:  Megan Wallace, Frikkie Gous and Ina Dandridge.
Frikkie is the marketing manager for LifeMed.  Ina is our Bearathon co-ordinator.  She invested many hours this year in bringing bear making supplies together with the willing hands who make bears for Bearathon every year, and also collecting donations of materials and ready made bears.  Her final duty for 2012 was to find a suitable recipient for the bears, and to arrange the pickup.

This year our Bearathon bears went to LifeMed, and will be distributed by them in accordance with the last wish of Hanco Viljoen, a victim of cancer.
You can read Hanco's story HERE.
Please also like Hanco's TeddyCare Project on Facebook.

Bearathon is an annual event organized by Tin Soldiers Studio.  If you would like to be involved in next year's event, please EMAIL Megan. 

A really big THANK YOU to everyone who contributed teddy bears this year. 


  1. A very big thank you to Megan and Ina for contributing all the teddybears to Hanco's TeddyCare Foundation. We will make sure that the bears are distributed to as many children as possible and I know that this will make a huge difference in their lives.

    Frikkie Gous

  2. What wonderful work you do. congratulations.

  3. You go girls - you and all the other helpers make us teddy bear makers proud. Hopefully next years total wll be 1000

  4. Big thank you from our side as well as Hanco's parents. He wouldv'e been proud. I am.
