Thursday, September 27, 2012

Newsletter, and classes at the Centurion Craft Show

The October edition of Tin Soldiers Newsletter is available.  Click HERE to download it in PDF format.
Remember that we will be at the Centurion Craft Show all day on Friday, Saturday and Sunday this week. 
Here's a little preview of the classes that we will present at the show.  Full details are in the Newsletter.

Hope to see you there!


  1. Good luck for the show. I do hope you have a great time.

  2. Hallo Kay
    Thank you very much! Can you believe after more than fifteen years of shows and fairs I still have stage fright? Tonight I feel as though nothing is right or ready. I know once I'm there and the doors open to the public it will be just fine :-)

  3. Hope you are having a good time at the show. Two days down one to go.
