Sunday, June 3, 2018

It's always cocktail hour...

They say it's always cocktail hour somewhere in the world.  It's true for other activities too. 
I've been attending a series of lectures in San Francisco, which is why you didn't hear much from me in May.  The fact that I'm in South Africa no longer matters, one can virtually participate in virtually anything online these days.  My night-time campus home in San Fran is only a click of the mouse away. 
The snag is the time difference.  I've become used to setting my alarm for 3am so that I can stumble out of bed to watch students in strappy tops stroll into the auditorium at 7pm while I'm huddled at my computer under a blanket clutching a cup of cocoa. 
I've done it for so many days that I lost count.  By the time the sun comes up in the morning I'm not sure which hemisphere I'm in, never mind winter or summer, sunrise or sunset.  My circadian rhythms are confused. 
Yesterday I saw a large bird perched on the fountain.  It was the approximate size and colour of an ostrich, only with short legs.  When I blinked it disappeared.  The same has been happening with creatures scurrying across the floor, seen from the corner of my eye.  I realized that I'm exhausted and I need a break. 
Last night I slept for twelve hours. When I woke up this morning I knew that it's a sunrise I'm seeing out there. 
I've had a leisurely breakfast, dusted the Del Prado dollhouse and today I'm doing nothing but work on the hallway. 
If it's cocktail hour in your part of the world, have one on me!


  1. An ostrich-look-alike with small legs on a fountain… I'm glad you had a 12 hours sleep… ;O) But without joking, although it's exhausting due to the time zones it's fascinating that something like this has become possible. So here's to you and your lectures in San Francisco - not with a cocktail but with a cup of coffee because for me it's always coffee time.


  2. Ha ha Birgit, fortunately no short legged ostriches so far this week. But I think if I add caffeine anything is possible ;-) Hope you have a happy week!
