Sunday, April 28, 2019

G is for...

The time has finally come to let the cat I've been keeping under wraps for six months out of the bag. In two weeks - to the hour - I will be on a plane. When I started planning this trip it seemed so far away. I can't believe how time has flown and of course, I don't feel nearly ready.

The reason you haven't seen any posts about the Del Prado house and I've been generally quiet, is that I've been busy preparing for a three-month stay in Germany. It's not a holiday. I'm going to attend to family matters, study, work and do a legion of other things.

On one hand, I'm so excited my toes are curling; on the other hand, I'm already missing my husband and animals and I don't know how I'm going to be able to take leave of them.

Fortunately, a lengthy journey needs a lot of preparation and I'm being kept very busy making sure the dogs have enough winter blankets and the tarantulas enough food to see them through till I come back. I made a mega-batch of muesli for Henning (he won't eat the shop-bought stuff) but apart from that, I know that he will be able to keep himself fed and warm. He likes to remind me that he was a happy bachelor for years before he met me. Still, there are so many little details which I routinely take care of that he doesn't even know about. I'm sure I will return to find crocodiles lounging around a swampy swimming pool and all manner of colourful fungus growing in the fridge and in the shower.

I have to confess that my main concern for this trip has been finding a way to stuff as many art supplies and tools from my studio into my suitcase as possible. I would rather go naked than be short of paint and brushes!

The ghostly toy blocks in the photo are one of the projects I'm taking with me. Cast in white resin, they're ready to be painted and accessorized.

If blog readers in Germany would like to make contact with me, I'll be staying in Karlsbad, and I'm trying to wrangle things so I can be at the show in Rheda on the 25th May.

While I'm gone I won't bore you with lots of pictures of forests and castles on this blog, but I do plan to check in weekly to let you know how I'm getting along. If you prefer to share every little detail of my adventures, I'm vlogging on Instagram HERE.


  1. Feliz viaje y estancia en Alemania, seguro que disfrutarás de todo lo que te gusta y te deseo que tu familia esté bien. El tiempo pasa volando y pronto estarás de regreso. Besos:-)

  2. How Very Exciting for you Megan! I think that the 3 months will go by quickly but I shall
    be anticipating your weekly updates from Germany; meanwhile, GOD speed!!! :D


  3. Hope you have a good trip and that everything works out for you.

  4. Very exciting plans for you and lots of preparations, Megan, I think that your three months will fly by, you'll see! Have a good trip and I hope you'll enjoy it to the fullest!

  5. Have a wonderful trip! My husband was stationed in Germany and my parents have visited several times. They all say it's a beautiful place to see. Maybe you can get lots of photos to turn into a mini album or coffee table book.

  6. Your life has taken some exciting turns and an adventure in Germany sounds like something you'll always treasure! In spite of the massive change for everyone and missing you so dearly, the time will go by fast and I know you'll be glad for the experience! I know you will make the most of your time!
    Be sure to keep a large empty box to fill and take with you back on the plane. It will be way more cost effective to pay the freight on the plane for all those craft supplies you are sure to find while there. And if it's on the plane with you, less chance of getting lost.
    Looking forward to hearing all about your adventures!

  7. You have such an exciting adventure ahead of you! It will be hard to leave hearth and home and all you love behind, but I'm sure the time will fly by - and you'll have so many great memories! I'm looking forward to your weekly updates.

  8. Good luck for your trip Megan. I hope everything is OK. It will be tough being away from your husband and doggies, but it sounds like a big adventure and I am sure the time will go quick.

  9. Safe travels and hope you have a wonderful time!

  10. Oh, these are for sure exciting news! Nevertheless I can understand your mixed emotions about being so far away from your husband and pets for so long. I'm already anticipating the photos of the crocodiles at the swamp pool after your return. *broadgrin* Btw I can reassure you that Germany is quite a civilized country, believe it or not - but we have shops where it's possible to buy paint, brushes and other craft stuff! *evenbroadergrin* I only wonder what you mean by not wanting us to bore with photos of castles and forests… tsssss… you should better take and share as much photos of this kind of motifs as you can. ;O) Sadly you're going to the opposite side of my country, Baden-Württemberg is too far away from where I live (near Kiel) and due to family and health reasons I'm not able to travel, that's why the fair at Rheda is also out of my reach. But I'm wishing you loads of fun during your stay (although you've got business to do) and a good travel. And in the end... time flies so fast... you'll be home again sooner than you would expect… back to Henning, the dogs, the tarantulas and the swimming pool crocodiles.


  11. How exciting, I hope you have a wonderful trip Megan.
