Monday, November 3, 2014

Small pleasures

Over the weekend I pottered around in the garden, mostly pulling up weeds.  Henning brought a few baby koi home from the pet store so time was spent pond gazing.   I worked on my cloth Hittys and baked a batch of cookies.   Not a lazy weekend, but very relaxed.  Lovely!

I've been trying to make miniature thread spools.  These are 1:12 scale for a dolls house.  It's fiddly work, but I'm enjoying trying to make them look 'real'.

Wishing you a good week.


  1. You are not only trying to make those spools of thread look real, you have achieved it. They are so tiny and wonderful.
    I hope you haven't got aches and pains from gardening.
    Hugs Kay

    1. Thanks Kay, with my new glasses I can finally see what I'm doing and I'm getting back to making miniatures. I garden like an old lady, potter around and pull up a weed here and there. Mostly I do it because it feels good to be outdoors.

  2. Megan, the spools of thread are wonderful and so tiny :)!
    Here it was also lovely and warm weather this weekend, it even was too warm for this time of the year: 20oC!! So I've also worked in my garden, before the winter will come ;))!
    Hugs, Ilona

    1. Thank you Ilone, that is great praise coming from a master miniaturist!
