Monday, March 29, 2021

Hello Everyone Just a quickie to let you know that Henning is home and all is well. Now we're trying to get his third, and hopefully last, surgery scheduled ASAP, before the next wave of Corona infections cause the hospitals to close their operating theatres again. I'm abusing the situation here by alternating betweeen napping and sitting on the bed next to him working on a crochet blanket. Not much real work going on and nothing to tell unless you want to know about the boring routine of a nurse/cook/ laundry attendant. Thank you for your kind thoughts and wishing you a wonderful week!


  1. Good luck with the surgery scheduling! Sending you hugs and virtual cookies. And hopeful thoughts.

  2. Es una buena noticia que esté en casa.
    Espero que la programación para la próxima cirugía sea rápida.
    Mucho ánimo.

  3. Thanks for popping in with the great news, Megan! Tell Henning that he's in our thoughts and we're sending prayers for a speedy and successful resolution to the issue. I'm glad you have a creative project to keep your hands busy and your mind focused while you hold vigil! Can't wait for pictures!

  4. What good news! I sure hope the next surgery goes as well.

  5. Megan: I am sending a boatload of positive energy your way. Wishing you and Henning all the best and hope that all goes well with his last surgery. Big hugs. - Marilyn D.

  6. Suerte con la próxima cirugía! Todos mis pensamientos positivos para vosotros!

  7. Send all good wishes and positive thoughts to you both. Remember to take time out between all your other duties.... napping on the bed beside the patient is an excellent idea. Sxx

  8. Good news, Megan, I hope the next surgery will go as well.
    Take care for Henning, but for yourself too, dear Megan.
    Hugs, Ilona

  9. I’m glad to hear Megan and will keep fingers crossed for the next surgery to be scheduled soon and go smoothly. And also want to see that crochet blanket! Haha!

  10. Welcomed good news! I'm sure the next surgery will be soon and successful.
    Am sending you and Henning best wishes.
    A warm hug,

  11. This is great news - my best wishes to your husband for a good and fast recovery. And may you be successful in scheduling the hopefully last surgery very soon.

