Wednesday, March 31, 2021

An Arm and a Leg

I have a bit of a fetish for miniature dolls. Even just parts will do. I recently sorted and consolidated all the bits and pieces which were stashed in various boxes and drawers. Instead of putting them away again, I decided to display my collection where I can enjoy it. What better way to exhibit body parts than in specimen jars?! 

So far, I've received a few eye rolls and a 'no comment'. I guess not everyone has their head screwed on the same way, ha ha.

Wishing you a peaceful Easter weekend. If it's spring in your part of the world, enjoy the sunshine. If it's autumn, pick up a few colourful leaves.



  1. Any kind of collection displayed in lovely jars is art to me so I say they are a wonderful exhibit and a smart way to enjoy something that you love! Plus, for anyone who's lost an arm or leg or all their marbles, you've got them covered!

    1. Ha marbles! Sharp, Jodi. Why didn't I make the connection myself?

  2. I like it!
    I am amassing quite a few odd arms here and there since I started pouring my own porcelain....Those darn fingers give me fits, and I have quite a few amputees laying around.

    1. Carrie, I feel your pain. When I learned to pour porcelain, my teacher told me to make three sets of arms for every doll. I thought she was joking but I soon discovered I would be lucky to end up with one complete set of arms. Have you tried soft-firing the parts before you do the fine cleaning? I find that doing that, or cleaning exclusively with a wet brush when the greenware is still very wet are the two best ways of keeping the fingers intact.

    2. Thanks for the tips Megan ;)

  3. I also have an odd arm or leg around here. There are some real cuties in that jar. I am enjoying your blog so much; would love to go way back to the beginning.

    1. Thank you, dear Mary. Likewise, now that I found your blog I never miss reading an instalment. I've been blogging for nearly ten years. Lately, I find myself re-reading some of the old posts and I wonder how I was such an up-beat person. I need to pull up my socks, I think!

  4. Resulta una bonita manera de disfrutar de tus colecciones! Y es una colección muy original.
    Felices y tranquilos días de Pascua.

    1. Thank you, Pilar! I hope that you had a blessed Easter. I see that your little house project is stalled at the moment. Can't wait to see what becomes of it eventually.

  5. What a fabulous way to display our collection!
    I love 'stuff' in jars! Any kind of stuff in any kind of jar and this is just wonderful.
    Have a lovely Easter.
    Anna X

    1. Thank you, Anna! An added advantage of stuff in jars is that it's easier to dust ;-) Hope you had a lovely Easter too.

  6. Great collection and way of display, Megan! I think there are quite some treasures among them. As many of us I also love "things" in a can never know what you'll find in between those treasures ;).
    Have a wonderful Easter, dear Megan!
    Hugs, Ilona

    1. Thank you, Ilona. The pieces in the jars are mostly broken or damaged in some other way. Worthless to serious collectors but I started collecting them as a sculpting and painting reference. They're also good for practicing restoration techniques since they already have no value. Some day I might turn them into complete dolls again, even if it is only for my own pleasure.

  7. Whoah!!!! I just LOVE these.... especially the old china doll heads. What a brilliant idea. As a miniature dollmaker myself I think they are inspired!

    1. Thank you, Sandra! If you have your own collection, maybe I can contribute a head or two some time in future.

  8. This is a wonderful way to enjoy a treasured collection, get inspired, and have them ready for a project.
    Hugs, Drora

  9. ¡Que forma original de exhibir tu colección¡. Yo estaría dando vueltas al tarro cada dos por tres. Felices Pascual. Besos

    1. Ha Rosa Maria, yes, I do sometimes just sit and turn the jars and look at the inside from different angles. It reminds me a little bit of a kaleidoscope, there is always something new.

  10. Lol! That is quite a novel way to enjoy your bits and pieces.

  11. Fantástica colección de piezas, y original forma de exhibirlas !!!

  12. Wow, this is a wonderful way to display your collection! So much better than storing them in boxes... a stunning mix of storing and decorating.


    1. Thank you, Birgit! I always say that things should not be put away where you can't see them but I hate dusting. This is the best of all worlds ;-)
