I have been sorting through some boxes of 'stuff' in my store room, and came upon this miniature painting. It measures only 5 x 6cm, and was made by my cousin Marjorie from a photograph. My mother commisioned it for my birthday a number of years ago (I'm not telling how many!) and as you might guess, the subject is me, with an old bear in my lap. Eventually it will be displayed in the library of a 1/12 scale dolls house that I am restoring.
I'm catching my breath after two weeks of daily teddy bear making workshops at Tin Soldiers. Sharing knowledge and teaching techniques to bear makers is one of my great joys. After doing it for so many years I have also learned the importance of creating time for quiet in between, to write, work on new designs, to savour creative life in its many forms. I am truly blessed.
So, let me tell you what is in store for the next few days.
A post about new patterns from Nerina.
The teddy bear crochet dungarees instructions that I promised.
Schnozzle's pattern, and Sabine the pin cushion elf, as soon as I finish the instructions.
An update on Bearathon 2012 progress.
Whatever else I manage to get done. My to-do list grows daily!
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