Thursday, July 4, 2013

Scary Week

This should be called Scary Week.  I have started proceedings to move the Tin Soldiers website to its new home at Hetzner.  This is akin to walking across the playground to go and hang out with the big kids.  Getting knocked over is a distinct possibility... but then, I've always been a scaredy cat and a prophet of doom when it comes to change.
Hopefully you will not even notice the change-over, the website at will just start working much better.
Did you see that I added a Newsletter subscription button on the right hand side of the page?  If you don't receive the Newsletter already, you can subscribe quick and easy by filling in your email address.  
Also scary is that The Man is quite ill.  Right now he needs lots of TLC.  Let's hope he gets better quickly.
I have to leave now to go and take my anti-anxiety-and-contagious-diseases medicine.  It's called CHOCOLATE!


  1. Prayers that The Man is feeling better. With all the stress you are experiencing I think you need a "double" dose of that RX - chocolate. (o:


    1. Thanks Joyce. No new break out this morning, which hopefully means we are reaching the turning point. I'm shoring up my immunity with lots of chocolate!

  2. Yes a big dose of chocolate is recommended. I hope he feels well soon.

    1. Thanks Kay. Yep, a kind friend brought me Bounty bars with dark chocolate from Germany. We don't get them here. I'm going through them at an alarming rate. Looks like we might have reached a turning point with the man's shingles. It will be good when we know that we are starting on the path of recovery!

    2. Thanks Kay. Yep, a kind friend brought me Bounty bars with dark chocolate from Germany. We don't get them here. I'm going through them at an alarming rate. Looks like we might have reached a turning point with the man's shingles. It will be good when we know that we are starting on the path of recovery!

    3. Thanks Kay. Yep, a kind friend brought me Bounty bars with dark chocolate from Germany. We don't get them here. I'm going through them at an alarming rate. Looks like we might have reached a turning point with the man's shingles. It will be good when we know that we are starting on the path of recovery!
