Wednesday, July 17, 2013

WAR - Woman Against Rape

Had a productive meeting with Janine, Yolanda, Daphne and Ca this morning. Starting a project in support of WAR (Woman Against Rape).
WAR is one of the organizations that will benefit from our Bearathon drive this year.  We are going to put together a pile of stunning Comfort Packs by end of October! Info will be on the Bearathon page in a few weeks.  Get ready to make teddies to add to the Comfort Packs, or rummage through your supplies and donate fabric, wool, accessories to make teddies with.

In the meantime, if you would like more info or would like to become involved, let me know. 

Find WAR on Facebook

I will be chatting more about the project later, but just wanted to share one or two thoughts with you while today's meeting is fresh in my mind.
Janine tells me that rape victims who are counselled and assisted by WAR range in age from a few months old to geriatric.  Although females comprise the largest number of victims, males are sometimes victims too.
Up to 500 Comfort Packs (CP) are put together by WAR volunteers every month, and there is never enough.  A CP consists of toiletries, underwear, a snack and a teddy.  (I will photograph a pack to show you as soon as I can lay my hands on one).  The teddy that gets put into each CP is often the most expensive item.
My feeling when I first thought about a teddy in a CP is that it's unnecessary, and maybe even inappropriate.  A memento of a traumatic event would definitely not be welcome in my life. When I asked Janine whether putting a teddy in the CP is not a bad idea, she put my mind to rest immediately.   She explained that when a rape victim opens the pack to start using the items, the teddy acts as a symbol of hope.  It is a message from a fellow woman to the victim to say that she is not alone, and that someone cares for her plight.  Most of the time, the teddy is the most appreciated item in that pack.
It makes me think of sending a message to a girlfriend to say that she is on your mind.  Do you sometimes do that?  I know that I have been the grateful recipient of such a message often, and that it means the world to me.  
Going to start sewing a messenger teddy tonight!


  1. We make packs up for women that have to leave the home in a hurry from domestic violence.
    It is great what you are doing.
    Good luck.

  2. It warms my heart to hear that, Kay!
